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  Write high quality JavaScript and CSS with SublimeLinter

SublimeLinter is a plugin for one of the front end editor--Sublime Text, it is used to highlight those syntax not conforming to standard or wrong, it supports JavaScript,CSS,HTML,Java,PHP,Python,Ruby and some more.This article will introduce how to configure SublimeLinter in Windows to validate JavaScript and CSS codes. Preparation Install Sublime Text package control tool : Install SublimeLinter with Sublime Text package control tool :https://gi...

   SublimeLinter,Sublime Text,Validation     2013-06-14 23:24:51

  10 reasons why Dart is cooler than JavaScript

Dart is a new programming language from Google and after coding JavaScript for over one year now, I immediately felt in love with it. Coming from the Java world I had a good bunch of things I had to learn before I could use JavaScript. Some people say, you need to dig deep into JavaScript, otherwise you are not allowed to speak about the pros and cons of a language. I am not a JavaScript Ninja. But I strongly believe a programming language should be easy to learn, easy to understand and s...

   Dart,JavaScript,Comparison     2012-01-05 08:23:21

  Rediscovering the RSync Algorithm

A:Ok, you’re synchronizing this over the web; and what do you use for the synchronization? B: Oh, we implemented the rsync algorithm. A: uhu. And what do you do with really big files? B: The same. A: And you also synchronise folders? B: Yes. A: And how do you do that? B: we iterate over the folder, using the algorithm on every file, recursing over subfolders. A: Can you try 2 things for me? First, a very large file; and second, a large codebase, and see if it holds. Introduction First ...

   ReSync algorithm,Discovery     2012-02-14 10:47:24

  If PHP Were British

When Rasmus Lerdorf first put PHP together, he - quite sensibly, despite his heritage - chose not to write it in Greenlandic or Danish. Good job too - that would have been rather unpleasant to work with. He opted instead, being in Canada at the time, for the local tongue. No, not French - that bastard dialect of the Queen's English commonly referred to as "US English"1. PHP developers in Britain have been grumpy about this ever since. What was he thinking? And more importantly, how do we ...

   PHP,British,Class,Statement,Engilish like     2011-12-01 02:36:55

  Touching and Gesturing on iPhone, Android, and More

One of the most important parts of creating an effective and intuitive user interface on touch-enabled smartphones has nothing to do with visual appearance—instead, it has to do with creating an interface that properly responds to user input based on touch. For Web applications, this means replacing mouse events with touch events. In Dojo 1.7, new touch APIs help make this process easy. This is an updated version of the post Touching and Gesturing on the iPhone, published in 2008. I...

   Touch,Gesture,iPhone,Android     2012-04-12 11:21:42

  Using htpasswd to protect your website in Nginx

We need to build a password protected website frequently such as an internal website within the team, demo website. Here what we are talking about is password protection in Nginx server level instead of application level registration and login. We are going to use Nginx server configuration and htpasswd file to achieve password authentication. The final result looks like below(Different browsers may have different interfaces): If the authentication fails, it will report a HTTP error: 401 Author...

   Nginx,Password protected,htpasswd     2013-06-07 21:35:27

  Write HTML easily with Emmet and Haml

Writing HTML codes is very boring and tedious as it has many tags and it's static. One solution is to use template, filling content based on other's skeleton. One another solution is high speed writing. We can write HTML codes with Emmet and Haml. These two ways have similar functions but with different characteristics. Haml is based on Ruby, so when working on Ruby/Rails projects, we recommend to use Haml, otherwise we recommend to use Emmet. 1. Emmet Emmet is a editor plugin, the official webs...

   HTML,Emmet,Haml     2013-06-11 19:46:02

  Address of a Java Object

In conventional java programming, you will never need address or location of a java object from memory. When you discuss about this in forums, the first question raised is why do you need to know the address of a java object? Its a valid question. But always, we reserve the right to experiment. Nothing is wrong in exploring uncharted areas.I thought of experimenting using a little known class from sun package. Unsafe is a class that belongs to sun.misc package. For some of you the package might ...

   Java,Object,Address,Memory,Start address     2011-09-29 11:17:46

  The 7 stages of refactoring

You have wanted to fix that module for ages. Just one look at it and you cringe. The documentation, the weird naming of functions, classes that are just plain weird. The module hobbeles along, but it is just plain dirty. The real programmer in you cringe, and when there finally is some time to refactor the module, you jump at it. Step 1 - Desperation  So you start to have a real good look at what you need to. Fix a class here, rename a few functions there, tear out a few function...

   Refactoring,Software,Desperation     2011-08-16 08:35:57

  Check file readability in Java

File operation is quite platform dependent. Although Java is a cross platform programming language, the file operation in Java is also platform dependent. The obvious evidence is the file permission check. In Java, we can call canRead(), canWrite() and canExecutable() to check whether the program can read, write or execute the file specified. However, on Windows, when we call canRead() on a File object, we may get unexpected result. Actually, on Windows, when we call canRead() on a File object, ...

   Java,Files,Readable,Check     2013-12-05 06:10:15